Using a bullet style blender, I experiment with finding out whether the Sophie the Giraffe Chew Toy has green or black mold on the inside.
VTech Go! Go! Smart Animals Gallop and Go Stable Review
The VTech Go Go Smart Animals Gallop and Go Stable with the Horse is pretty neat and a lot of fun for young children or toddlers. The cool thing is that it will work with the Zoo animals as well. Sophie and Sam help us break down the pros and cons of this cool toy. Which is your favorite animal?
Fisher-Price Sooth and Glow Giraffe Baby Infant Toddler Toy Review
We review the FisherPrice soothe and glow giraffe toy, which is musical and lights up. These giraffe sounds are a great noise machine to help sooth your little one to sleep. We also show the electronic components inside the giraffe that brings the magic to the toy.